Daniel D. Schnitzlein

Innside Statistics, Leibniz Universität Hannover

About Me

Welcome to my personal research webpage. I am founder and managing director of Innside Statistics – a start-up focused on quantitative data analysis, statistical consulting, and survey design – and apl. Professor at the Institute of Labour Economics at Leibniz Universität Hannover. Currently, I am principle investigator of the DFG-founded project The intergenerational reproduction of wealth inequality and its socio-demographic conditions in Germany (InterVerm).


  • February 2024: paper accepted: Our new paper „Problems in Peer Relationships and Low Engagement in Romantic Relationships in Preterm Born Adolescents: Effects of Maternal Warmth in Early Childhood“ (co-authored with A. Bilgin, D. Wolke, H. Trower, N. Baumann, K. Räikkönen, K. Heinonen, and S. Lemola) has been accepted for publication by European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.
  • November 2023: Paper accepted: Our new paper „Parent’s life satisfaction prior to and following preterm birth“ (co-authored with Robert Eves, Nicole Baumann, Ayten Bilgin, David Richter, Dieter Wolke and Sakari Lemola) has been accepted for publication by Scientific Reports.
  • November 2023: Paper accepted: Our new paper „Birth-Order Effects On Risk Taking Are Limited To The Family Environment“ (co-authored with Tomás Lejarraga, Sarah Dahmann, and Ralph Hertwig) has been accepted for publication by the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.
  • September 2023: Paper accepted: Our new paper „Preschool Mathematics and Literacy Skills and Educational Attainment in Adolescents Born Preterm and Full Term“ (co-authored with N. Baumann, F. Voit, D. Wolke, H. Trower, A. Bilgin, E. Kajantie, K. Räikkönen, K. Heinonen, and S. Lemola, S.) has been accepted for publication by the Journal of Pediatrics.


A. Refereed publications: economics journals
  1. Stüber, H., Grabka, M.M., Schnitzlein, D.D. (2023): A Tale of Two Data Sets: Comparing German Administrative and Survey Data Using Wage Inequality as an Example, Journal for Labour Market Research, 57, Article 8.
  2. Voit, F.A.C., Kajantie, E., Lemola, S., Räikkönen, K., Wolke, D., Schnitzlein, D.D. (2022): Maternal Mental Health and Adverse Birth Outcomes: A Study of Two German Datasets, PlosOne, 17(8): e0272210.
  3. Dahmann, S., Schnitzlein, D.D. (2019): No evidence for a protective effect of education on mental health, Social Science & Medicine, 241, Article 112584.
  4. Lejarraga, T., Frey, R., Schnitzlein, D.D., Hertwig, R. (2019): No Effect of Birth Order on Adult Risk TakingProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 116(13): 6019-6024.
  5. Saniter, N., Schnitzlein, D.D., Siedler, T. (2019): Occupational Knowledge and Educational Mobility – Evidence from the Introduction of Job Information Centers, Economics of Eduction Review, 69: 108-124.
  6. Schnitzlein, D.D. (2019): The relationship between trust, cognitive skills, and democracy – Evidence from 30 countries around the world. Economics Bulletin, 39(1): 200-206.
  7. Bügelmayer, E., Schnitzlein, D.D. (2018): Is it the family or the neighborhood? Evidence from sibling and neighbor correlations in youth education and health, Journal of Economic Inequality, 16(3): 369–388.
  8. Anger, S., Schnitzlein, D.D. (2017): Cognitive Skills, Non-cognitive Skills, and Family Background: Evidence from Sibling Correlations, Journal of Population Economics, 30(2): 591-620.
  9. Bratberg, E., Davis, J., Mazumder, B., Nybom, M., Schnitzlein, D.D., Vaage, K. (2017): A Comparison of Intergenerational Mobility Curves in Germany, Norway, Sweden and the U.S., Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 119(1): 72-101.
  10. Schnitzlein, D.D., Stephani, J. (2016): Locus of Control and Low-Wage Mobility, Journal of Economic Psychology, 53: 164-177.
  11. Riphahn, R.T., Schnitzlein, D.D. (2016): Wage Mobility in East and West Germany, Labour Economics, 39: 11-34.
  12. Schnitzlein, D.D., Wunder, C. (2016): Are we architects of our own happiness? The importance of family background for well-being, The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 16(1): 125-149.
  13. Schnitzlein, D.D. (2016): A new look at intergenerational mobility in Germany compared to the US, Review of Income and Wealth, 62: 650–667.
  14. Schnitzlein, D.D. (2014): How important is the family? Evidence from sibling correlations in permanent earnings in the US, Germany and Denmark, Journal of Population Economics, 27(1): 69-89.
  15. Schnitzlein, D.D. (2012): How important is cultural background for the level of intergenerational mobility?, Economics Letters, 114(3): 335-337.
  16. Schnitzlein, D.D., Stephani, J. (2011): Lohnmobilität von jüngeren Geringverdienern in Deutschland, Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung, 80(4): 13-30.
  17. Schnitzlein, D.D. (2009): Struktur und Ausmaß der intergenerationalen Einkommensmobilität in Deutschland, Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, 229(4): 450-466.
B. Refereed publications: related disciplines
  1. Bilgin, A., Wolke, D., Trower, H., Baumann, N., Räikkönen, K., Heinonen, H., Schnitzlein, D.D., Lemola, S. (2024): Problems in Peer Relationships and Low Engagement in Romantic Relationships in Preterm Born Adolescents: Effects of Maternal Warmth in Early Childhood, European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, accepted for publication. [Impact Factor: 6.40
  2. Eves, R., Baumann, N., Bilgin, A., Schnitzlein, D., Richter, D., Wolke, D. and Lemola, S. (2023): Parents‘ life satisfaction prior to and following preterm birth, Scientific Reports, accepted for publiction. [Impact Factor: 5.00
  3. Lejarraga, T., Schnitzlein, D.D., Dahmann, S.C., Hertwig, R. (2023): Birth-Order Effects On Risk Taking Are Limited To The Family Environment, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, accepted for publication.  [Impact Factor: 5.19]
  4. Baumann,N., Voit, F., Wolke, D., Trower, H., Bilgin, A., Kajantie, E., Räikkönen, K., Heinonen, K., Schnitzlein, D.D., Lemola, S. (2024): Preschool Mathematics and Literacy Skills and Educational Attainment in Adolescents Born Preterm and Full Term, The Journal of Pediatrics, 264: 1-10 (online first since 09/2023).  [Impact Factor: 5.10]
  5. Alenius, S., Kajantie, E., Sund, R., Nurhonen, M., Haaramo, P., Näsänen-Gilmore, P., Lemola, S., Räikkönen, K., Schnitzlein, D.D., Wolke, D., Gissler, M., Hovia, P. (2023): School Grades and Educational Attainments of Adolescents and Young Adults Born PretermScientific Reports, 13, Article 231. [Impact Factor: 5.00]
  6. Alenius, S., Kajantie, E., Sund, R., Nurhonen, M., Haaramo, P., Näsänen-Gilmore, P., Vääräsmäki, M., Lemola, S., Räikkönen, K., Schnitzlein, D.D., Wolke, D., Gissler, M., Hovi P. (2022): Risk-taking behaviour of adolescents and young adults born preterm, Journal of Pediatrics, accepted for publication. [Impact Factor: 6.31]
  7. Girchenko P., Robinson R., Rantalainen V., Lahti-Pulkkinen M., Heinonen K., Lemola S., Wolke D., Schnitzlein D., Hämäläinen E, Laivuori H., Villa P., Kajantie E., Räikkönen K. (2022): Maternal postpartum depressive symptoms partially mediate the association between preterm birth and mental and behavioral disorders in childrenScientific Reports, 12, Article 947. [Impact Factor: 4.38]
  8. Bilgin, A., Wolke, D.,Trower, H., Baumann, N., Räikkönen, K., Heinonen, K., Kajantie, E., Schnitzlein, D., Lemola, S. (2022): Emotional Problems and Peer Victimization in Adolescents Born Very Preterm and Fullterm: Role of Self-Control Skills in Childhood, Development and Psychopathology, accepted for publication. [Impact Factor: 5.32]
  9. Bilgin, A., Wolke, D., Baumann, N., Trower, H., Brylka, A., Räikkönen, K., Heinonen, K., Kajantie, E., Schnitzlein, D., Lemola, S. (2021): Changes in Emotional Problems, Hyperactivity and Conduct Problems in Moderate to Late Preterm Children and Adolescents Born Between 1958 and 2002 in the UKJCPP Advances, 1(2), e12018. [Impact Factor: NA, new journal]
  10. Robinson, R., Lahti-Pulkkinen, M., Schnitzlein, D.D., Voit, F., Girchenko, P., Wolke, D., Lemola, S., Kajantie, E., Heinonen, K., Räikkönen, K. (2020): Mental Health Outcomes of Adults Born Very Preterm or with Very Low Birth Weight: A systematic reviewSeminars in Fetal & Neonatal Medicine, 25(3), 101113. [Impact Factor: 3.93]
  11. Bruckmeier, K., Schnitzlein, D.D. (2009): Der Übergang von Arbeitslosenhilfeempfängern in das SGB II – Eine empirische Analyse anhand von Befragungsdaten, Sozialer Fortschritt, 2009, 58(1): 1-9.  [Impact Factor: 0.15]
C. Books and book chapters
  • Voit, F.A.C., Lemola, S., Schnitzlein, D.D. (2023): Pre- and perinatal influences on intergenerational transmission of inequalityResearch Handbook on Intergenerational Inequality, Edward Elgar Publishing, accepted for publication.
  • Lersch, P.M., Longmuir, M., Schnitzlein, D.D. (2023): Intergenerational persistence of wealthResearch Handbook on Intergenerational Inequality, Edward Elgar Publishing, accepted for publication.
  • Schnitzlein, D.D. (2012): Inter- and intragenerational economic mobility – Germany in international comparisonIAB-Bibliothek, Nr. 332, Dissertationen, W. Bertelsmann Verlag, Nuremberg and Bielefeld.
  • Bruckmeier, K., Zarth, M., Schnitzlein, D.D. (2009): Eine regionale Betrachtung der Sozialversicherung und raumwirksamer Mittel – Wer partizipiert wie?, in: H. Mäding (ed.), Öffentliche Finanzströme und räumliche Entwicklung, Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung, Forschungs- und Sitzungsberichte, 232, Hannover: 105-133.
D. Policy reports / policy papers
  • Becker, M., Brose, A., Camehl, G., Graeber, D., Huebener, M., von Keyserlingk, L., Krekel, L., Maaz, K., Marcus, J., Margaryan, S., Möwisch, D., Paul, A., Peter, F., Schmiedek, F., Schnitzlein, D., Schupp, J., Siedler, T., Spieß, C.K. (2019): Nicht-monetäre Erträge von Bildung in den Bereichen Gesundheit, nicht-kognitive Fähigkeiten sowie gesellschaftliche und politische Partizipation: Endbericht des gleichnamigen Forschungsprojektes gefördert durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), DIW Berlin – Politikberatung kompakt 137, DIW Berlin.
  • Graeber, D., Huebener, M., Marcus, J., Schnitzlein, D.D. (2019): Gebildetere Eltern, gesündere Kinder?, DIW Wochenbericht 12/2019: 195-196.
  • Graeber, D., Schnitzlein, D.D. (2019): Kaum Effekte einer höheren Pflichtschulzeit bei Müttern auf die psychische Gesundheit ihrer erwachsenen Kinder, DIW Wochenbericht 12/2019: 206-210.
  • Schnitzlein, D.D. (2019): Nicht-monetäre Effekte von Bildung sind mindestens so wichtig wie monetäre, Interview, DIW Wochenbericht 12/2019: 211.
  • Schnitzlein, D.D. (2017): Was ist uns Bildung wert? Ausgaben für und Erträge von Bildung, impu!se für die Gesundheitsförderung, 97: 4-5.
  • Schnitzlein, D.D. (2013): Wenig Chancengleichheit in Deutschland: Familienhintergrund prägt eigenen ökonomischen Erfolg, DIW Wochenbericht 4-2013: 3-9. English version published as: Schnitzlein, D.D. (2013): Low Level of Equal Opportunities in Germany: Family Background Shapes Individual Economic Success, DIW Economic Bulletin 5-2013: 3-8.
  • Schnitzlein, D.D. (2013): In Deutschland ist die Chancengleichheit ähnlich niedrig wie in den USA und deutlich geringer als in Dänemark: Neun Fragen an Daniel Schnitzlein, Interview, DIW Wochenbericht 4-2013: 10.
  • Schnitzlein, D.D. (2011): Umfang und Folgen der Nichtinanspruchnahme von Urlaub in Deutschland, DIW Wochenbericht 51+52-2011: 14-20. English version published as: Schnitzlein, D.D. (2012): Extent and Effects of Employees in Germany Forgoing Vacation Time, DIW Economic Bulletin 2-2012: 25-31. Reprint in: Gerstorf, S. Schupp J. (Eds.): SOEP Wave Report 2011: 52-58, DIW Berlin.
E. Data reports
  • Schnitzlein, D.D., SOEP Group (2020): SOEP-Core v35 – BIOPAREN: Biography Information for the Parents of SOEP-Respondents. SOEP Survey Papers 886: Series D, DIW Berlin.
  • Kraft, J., Schnitzlein, D.D., SOEP Group (2020): SOEP-Core v35 – BIOSIB: Information on siblings in the SOEP. SOEP Survey Papers 879: Series D, DIW Berlin.
  • Schnitzlein, D.D., Kraft, J., Voit, F., SOEP Group (2019): SOEP-Core v34 – BIOPAREN: Biography Information for the Parents of SOEP-Respondents. SOEP Survey Papers 752: Series D, DIW Berlin.
  • Kraft, J., Schnitzlein, D.D., SOEP Group (2019): SOEP-Core v34 – BIOSIB: Information on siblings in the SOEP. SOEP Survey Papers 746: Series D, DIW Berlin.
  • Kraft, J., Schnitzlein, D.D., SOEP Group (2018): SOEP-Core v33.1 – BIOSIB: Information on siblings in the SOEP. SOEP Survey Papers 582: Series D, DIW Berlin.
  • Schnitzlein, D.D., Kraft, J., Voit, F., SOEP Group (2018): SOEP-Core v33.1 – BIOPAREN: Biography Information for the Parents of SOEP-Respondents. SOEP Survey Papers 537: Series D, DIW Berlin.
  • Fromm, A., Frischholz, S., Kraft, J., Schnitzlein, D.D. (2017): BIOPAREN: Biography Information for the Parents of SOEP-Respondents, in: Goebel, J. (Ed.), SOEP-Core v32 – Documentation on Biography and Life History Data, SOEP Survey Papers 418: Series D: 170-212, DIW Berlin.
  • Kraft, J., Schnitzlein, D.D., SOEP Group (2017): BIOSIB: Information on siblings in the SOEP. in: Goebel, J. (Ed.), SOEP-Core v32 – Documentation on Biography and Life History Data, SOEP Survey Papers 418: Series D: 132-139, DIW Berlin.
  • Bernhard, S., Dressel, C., Fitzenberger, B. Schnitzlein, D.D., Stephan, G. (2017): Überschneidungen in der IEBS: Deskriptive Auswertung und Interpretation, FDZ Methodenreport, 04/2006, IAB Nuremberg.
G. Datendistributionen (Contribution as PI)
  • 10 distributions of the German Socio-economic Panel (SOEP): SOEPv27-SOEPv36.